

Reflektion från Fr. Neary

The journey of the wise men or magi is one of the favourite stories of the gospel. It’s a story of the journey of life, of guidance on the way, of delight in finding faith and God, of the intrigue of a greedy and jealous king, and of the good beating the bad.  We like the end of the story when the wise men outwitted Herod.
The star started them on the journey and then guided them to the end.  Like our faith. The star which shone at our baptism is the promise of God to guide us through life. Faith grows through the ordinary events of life. What can seem ordinary happenings can be extraordinary grace - the birth of  a child in your family, the first time you fall in love, the people you meet who make a big difference in your life, success in a job, becoming a grandparent, an aunt, an uncle, anything creative in your life is a gift of grace from God.
The presence of your star may strike you when on a retreat and you learned to pray, a time you felt in vocation or any other way you really helped some people, or really listening and talking with someone and you realise you’re not the only one in life with problems.
At bad times when the star seemed dim but people helped - bereavement, crime in the family, addiction to drugs or drink, involved in suicide or abuse, illness - all the small and big awful things that darken life and dim the star. But still can you ask then - what was and what is your star?  The light of faith is bright in the good and bad times of life. The word of God and the help of another is the star lighting your journey.
Each  of us has our own personal star guiding us - the star of prayer, love, friendship, support…the star has a different name at different times.  Be grateful for your star - and be grateful that you have been a star for others.  In the book of God, each of us is a star.
Guide us, O God, and protect us kindly now, and at the hour of death. Amen.
                                                         Donal Neary SJ.


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