


June 29
Today we celebrate christian leadership within the church. one of the big messages of leadership from Pope Francis is about the mercy of God:
“Before repentance, "the righteousness of God... is transformed into mercy,  and forgiveness."But first we must be ashamed of our sins. It is true, none of us have killed anyone, but many small things, so many everyday sins, everyday... And when one thinks: 'But what, but what a tiny heart I have: I did this against the Lord'. Being ashamed before God is a grace, it is the grace of being sinners.
"The merciful man and the woman have a wide, wide open heart: They always forgive others  and think about their own sins. ‘But you saw what he did?'.’ But I've had enough with what I have done and I will not interfere!’ This is the path of mercy which we have to seek. But if all of us, if all peoples, individuals, families, communities, if we all we had this attitude, what peace there would be in the world, how much peace in our hearts! For mercy leads us to peace. Always remember: 'Who am I to judge? '. Be ashamed and open wide your heart. May the Lord give us this grace.’ These were words of the Pope at a morning homily.
Mercy and Peace
Interesting that he links mercy and peace. Real peace, with negotiation, is based on justice for all and mercy covering past relationships. Both Peter and Paul found that in their leadership of their various local churches.
Lord make us instruments of peace. Help us towards mercy in our hearts to all.
Donal Neary SJ.


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